What Maintenance Should Be Done on A Treadmill?

A treadmill is an expensive piece of equipment. We don’t want expensive things to break because fixing them is expensive too. So how can we make the treadmills last longer?

The lifespan of a treadmill and the treadmill belt can be extended significantly by proper maintenance. Regular cleaning and lubricating are the most important but keeping an eye on the roller alignment and belt wear are also important.

keep reading below what to clean, lubricate, and adjust to keep your treadmill in tip-top shape.

Does a Treadmill Need Maintenance?

Just like any other machine with moving parts, a treadmill needs maintenance. While a treadmill doesn’t need daily attention, regular cleaning, lubrication, and adjustments are necessary as well as the occasional replacement of parts that wear out like the belt and rollers. 

There are a few things you have to do regularly to keep your treadmill in the best working condition;

  • Wipe down after a workout
  • Clean regularly
  • Align the belt
  • Lubricate the belt
  • Adjust belt tension

Those are the main things that have to be done regularly. You can click here to find an article that tells you exactly how to do those things. 

A quick wipe-down after every workout also helps to keep everything fresh and looking nice since sweat can be quite corrosive. A more thorough cleaning of the treadmill and the area around it should be done once a week. 

Inspecting the belt for wear, tension, and alignment can be done once a month or when you notice a weird noise or the belt is rubbing. Lubricating the belt once a month is usually enough for a home treadmill but if you run a lot more might be necessary. 

Also, if you run very often or multiple people in your house do, the belt alignment and tension should be inspected a bit more often. Especially if there are ‘uneven’ runners that use the treadmill. Uneven runners put more force on one side which puts more stress on that side. This can push it out of alignment faster. 

Besides that, there are some other things you can do to keep your treadmill in good condition that can’t really be called maintenance. You can find more about those that here. 

What Happens If You Don’t Maintain a Treadmill?

So what if you just don’t do anything? What could go wrong?

If the treadmill was set up right in the first place, the tension and alignment probably won’t go off very quickly. When it does, you’ll start hearing rubbing and weird noises. At this point you’ll have to do something quick or the rollers and belt will wear out very quickly. 

Not cleaning won’t immediately damage anything but over time dust builds up in all the moving parts which will wear quicker and around the electronics. This means the electronics get hotter and if it gets really bad, this is a fire risk. For the most part, it will result in electronics failing prematurely. This might take a long time though. 

Suggested: How to take care of a treadmill’s electronics

However, besides getting a dusty and dirty treadmill from not cleaning, you’ll notice the treadmill not being as smooth as it should be. Once the belt runs dry, you’ll likely notice the belt slowing down every time you take a step. That’s because the friction between the belt and the deck gets much higher. 

This isn’t only uncomfortable and unnatural to walk/run on, but it also puts a lot of extra stress on the motor which can cause it to burn out prematurely. 

Haven’t bought a treadmill yet or need a new one? Click here to find a complete guide on how to select the right treadmill for you.

Treadmill Wear Parts

Some parts also just have to be replaced sometimes. Nothing lives forever so unless you’ve got a completely diamond treadmill, something will break at some point. And there are a few wear parts that have to be replaced periodically. 

Here are the parts of a treadmill that wear out;

  • Belt 
  • Rollers/bearing

Yes, the lifespan of these parts can be extended with regular maintenance but at some point, they’re done and have to be replaced. 

You could see the motor as a wear item but if it burns out, often something else went wrong that put too much stress on it. And if it actually wears out because of its age, it’s often not worth replacing it if you could even find a replacement part for an older model. Often if the motor breaks prematurely, it’s covered under warranty. Find the treadmills with the best warranties here.

While it is possible to replace a treadmill motor, it’s not something that is meant to wear out regularly. Keeping the treadmill dust-free by cleaning it helps the motor stay cooler which helps prevent failures. 

Can You Lower Treadmill Maintenance Needs? 

The best thing you can do is to keep everything clean, adjusted, and lubricated. This reduces the stress on all the parts which leads to slower wear and tear. Of course, cleaning and lubricating is still maintenance so what can you do to reduce the need for this? 

You’re never going to reduce the maintenance needs to zero but there are a few things you can do to make it less: 

  • Keep your treadmill in a clean space
  • Don’t put a treadmill on carpet
  • Put a mat under the treadmill
  • Make sure it’s on a level surface
  • Keep it out of the sunlight 

The biggest thing you can do is to keep your treadmill clean and safe. Selecting a place for your treadmill that is naturally clean and doesn’t have much dust helps. This is also why it’s not a good idea to put your treadmill on carpet. Carpet releases fibers that get into the moving parts. 

In any case, it’s good to put your mill on a mat. Mats are easier to keep clean and less dust collects on them anyway. 

In most cases, your floor is going to be level but if there are any doubts, make sure your floor is. A small angle can be compensated for by the adjustable feet under the mill but a large incline is not good. And even if the floor is flat, make sure the feet are adjusted so the deck is level, especially from side to side. 

If the treadmill is tilted to one side, this can really increase wear of the rollers, belt, and bearings on the lower side. It can also be a problem for you since you’re putting uneven stress on the joints which can cause injuries over time. 

Yeah, that still means you’ll have to lubricate regularly which can be a pain but after you’ve done it twice really doesn’t cost that much time and effort. 

What Doesn’t Need To Be Maintained On a Treadmill?

Most other parts of the treadmill that aren’t mentioned above shouldn’t need any real maintenance except for some cleaning. Plastics do get old and brittle over time which can be delayed by keeping it out of the sunlight. 

The console could develop issues over time. The screen could malfunction or the buttons could become unresponsive. However, this is not something that can be prevented by maintenance. Keeping it dry and out of the sun as well as preventing it from becoming too hot or cold (ergo; keep it inside), are some of the best ways to extend the lifespan of these things. 

Also read: How to properly store a treadmill?

If you are interested in finding out how to protect your treadmill’s electronics as well as possible, read this article. 

Most important treadmill maintenance tips

Below is a full guide for anything and everything you have to maintain on your treadmill and how to do it. However, here are the most important things when it comes to maintaining a treadmill at home.

  1. Wipe down after use
  2. Clean the whole machine
  3. Check belt and rollers regularly
  4. Lubricate the deck

For more details and things you have to maintain on a treadmill, keep reading.

Wondering if a treadmill really needs maintenance and what happens if you don’t? Click here to find out.

Treadmill maintenance: Mechanical

Here’s what you do to maintain the mechanical parts of a treadmill.


Before you start with any maintenance, do an inspection;

  • Just start by checking the belt, rollers, and deck.
  • Do a visual inspection and look for cracks and other signs of wear.
  • Turn on the mill and see if the belt is aligned straight. If the belt rubs on either side it can wear the belt really quickly.
  • Listen for any squeaks and other noises that shouldn’t be there.
  • Run on it for a little bit and see if the belt moves smoothly.

Looking for a high-quality treadmill? Click here to find my favorite treadmill for a home gym and why.


The most important maintenance you can do on a treadmill has to do with the running belt. Since the belt and all the related parts are the most important moving parts of a treadmill, it’s the most important part to take care of. It’s the part you’re running on after all.

Suggested post: How much does a treadmill belt replacement cost?

Since other than the belt, rollers, and motor, there aren’t that many moving parts, this is where the bulk of maintenance has to be done.

Image of a treadmill belt.
The belt is a wear item. Maintenance can extend its lifespan but at some point, it’ll have to be replaced.

Lubricating belt

The most important piece of maintenance of a treadmill is lubricating the running belt. Luckily it’s not too difficult so everyone can do it. Here’s how;

  • Unplug your treadmill
  • Have lubricant ready
  • Lift up the belt with one hand
  • Spray the whole width of the belt.
  • It’s the easiest to do half from one side, then move over to the other side and do the other half.

You’ll only need a lubricant. Most manufacturers recommend their own special lubricant. So take a look at your owner’s manual to find out which one is good for your machine.

I won’t recommend that you go against your treadmill manufacturer’s recommendations. Most manufacturers recommend a simple 100% silicone lubricant, however. That means there are plenty of options available;

While it is the most important and common treadmill maintenance, a home treadmill shouldn’t have to be done too frequently. With moderate use, once a month should be enough. Of course, if you notice your treadmill needs more frequent lubrication, do it.

Suggested post: Are treadmill belts universal?

Adjusting belt tension

Next up is adjusting belt tension. This shouldn’t have to be done very often but it can happen. Machines should come with the correct tension from the factory. However, with use, belts can stretch out and become too loose. You only need to lose a little bit of tension for it to become a problem. If the tension is too low, it can start slipping, which doesn’t give a good feel while running and could even be dangerous.

Adjusting the tension too high isn’t good either. The higher tension will put more stress on the rollers and motor, causing them to wear quickly.

The tension should be as low as possible while still being high enough to prevent the belt from slipping. To test this, turn on the treadmill at a low speed. Then use your foot to push against the movement. If it slips too easily, you have to adjust it.

Tension adjustment is pretty easy on most models.

  • There are two bolts on the front (where you step up) of the treadmill. Usually, they’re hidden in a hole on both sides of the belt.
  • Tightening these bolts will tighten the belt and vice versa.
  • Make sure you adjust the bolts the same amount on both sides.
  • Go slow and test with every adjustment.

Align the belt

Finally, we get to align the belt. In rare cases, the belt doesn’t run straight on the rollers. If you don’t correct this quickly, it can deteriorate the belt and other parts pretty quickly.

There are different reasons that can cause this. Some people are uneven runners. That means they push harder with one leg than the other. This can push the belt out of alignment over time.

Another reason is that the rollers are not adjusted evenly. That’s why it’s important to adjust both sides equally when adjusting tension.

Finally, a belt can go out of alignment because it’s not level. Maybe the surface it’s put on isn’t level/solid or the adjustment of the feet is off. Either way, if it isn’t straight, neither will the belt be.

To check if the belt is aligned properly, just turn it on, run/walk on it, and look down. If it doesn’t run in the middle of the machine, it needs an adjustment. You can also turn on the treadmill without anyone on in and check that way.

  • If the belt is misaligned, use the same bolt as for the tension to adjust.
  • The side the belt drifts to has lower tension. So if it drifts right, tighten the right side and loosen the left side half as much.
  • E.G. If you tighten the right bolt a quarter turn, you loosen the left bolt an eighth turn.
  • If the belt is centered when it rotates, the adjustment is correct. If not, keep making small adjustments until it is.

Make sure the overall tension is correct once you’re done.  


There isn’t much maintenance you can do to the motor. I mention it here because it’s the most expensive part to change.

Taking care of the belt and keeping the machine clean is the best maintenance you can do to the motor. Keeping the resistance to the motor as low as possible keeps it cooler and makes it last longer. Anything that has to work harder to do the same thing will last shorter.

That’s why keeping everything clean, lubricated, and running smoothly will make your treadmill motor happy and last longer.

Treadmill maintenance: Electronics

The mechanical maintenance items are the most obvious. Treadmills also have quite a bit of electronics though. Maintenance is what you can do to keep you treadmill working as new. With mechanical maintenance, it’s easy to see the relationship between maintenance and machine lifespan. Add some lube, and hear less squeaking. Easy.

For more information about taking care of a treadmill motor and electronics, read this article.

Electronics don’t quite work in that way. Cleaning electronics with some water and lubricating them isn’t going to do much good. However, there are a lot of advanced electronics in modern treadmills. So what can you do?

With electronics, you can’t do much more than prevention. Here’s what you can do;

  • Only plug your treadmill into a grounded outlet.
  • Unplug after use
  • Put a surge protector in between the treadmill and the outlet
  • Doing the mechanical maintenance will keep the stress on the motor lower.
  • Keep dust and dirt out. Regular cleaning and a mat under the treadmill will help a lot
  • Keep the treadmill away from extreme cold and heat. If your garage freezes in the winter, your treadmill isn’t really at home there.  

Other than that, there isn’t much you can do to maintain the electronics of a treadmill.

Suggested post: How much does a treadmill motor replacement cost?

Treadmill maintenance: Cleaning

Some maintenance involves cleaning and sometimes you just want to clean the treadmill. A sweaty treadmill is not very nice to use. But what is the right way to do it? It’s not rocket science but there are a few things you should keep in mind;

Looking for a high-quality treadmill? Click here to find my favorite treadmill for a home gym and why.

Why clean:

Treadmills are workout equipment. That means people sweat on them. That’s the most important reason to clean. That’s not the only reason though.

Cleaning can be seen as a kind of maintenance. Especially for the moving parts, cleaning is an essential part of keeping it in working order.

Dust and debris gets between the belt and rollers, into the bearing, and possibly into the motor

Keeping a mat under your treadmill will prevent a lot of dust and dirt from making it into the treadmill. Read here about why you need a treadmill mat.

Image of a person wiping down a treadmill
Regular cleaning and wiping down sweat after running will help keep your treadmill in shape.

What you need:

There are a few things you need to clean your treadmill.

  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Cloth
  • Bucket with water and mild detergent

How to do it:

  • Unplug the treadmill from the wall socket. Cleaning requires a little water. Combining water and electronics is not a great idea.
  • Start with vacuuming all the dust and debris off the machine. Everything you can get off without using water is good. A vacuum cleaner also helps you get dust and debris out of creases and crevices that are hard to get to otherwise.
  • Vacuum the area around and under the treadmill. This prevents dust from immediately landing on the treadmill again after cleaning it.
  • Don’t use too much water. Having a bucket of water with detergent is fine but wring out the cloth you’re using to clean before using. Make sure the cloth is just damp so water doesn’t get into the treadmill. Water in the wrong places can cause a whole host of problems.
  • Wipe down all the surfaces you can get to.
  • After cleaning, make sure the space is well-ventilated. This way the moisture left on (and possibly in) the treadmill has the best chance of evaporating.
  • If your treadmill has a big display, using screen wipes can help you clean it without leaving streaks.


If too much water is used, you run the risk that mold builds up in certain spaces. Especially if liquid got into the treadmill. That’s why using less water and ventilating after cleaning is important.

If you notice mold forming, don’t use aggressive chemicals to remove it. The materials can’t handle them. Just wipe the mold off as best you can. Then, to remove any spores, wipe the area down with diluted vinegar. That should take care of it.

Using lubricant in the locations where you can (see above), it will greatly reduce the chance that mold grows in those spots. Lubricants are chemical products which molds don’t really like.

In very humid climates, mold can just form even if everything is done right otherwise. Basements are often very humid and prone to mold growing for example. If that’s the case for you, you can do two things.

  • You can move the treadmill to another space that has lower humidity.
  • You can lower the humidity in the space. Better ventilation is good but air-conditioning would be perfect for this reason.

Suggested post: The full guide to home gym air quality.

Other considerations

Besides maintenance, there are some other things you can consider. Maintenance is necessary and helps a lot but sometimes it’s not enough. What can you do then?

Things break

This guide is about maintenance, not about fixing things. All the maintenance in the world isn’t going to prevent things from breaking. Even with maintenance, some things just wear out and break. Sure, many parts will last (much) longer if you maintain them properly but nothing has eternal life. Sooner or later, something will break. Hopefully, that happens after 50 years but you never know.

Another reason things break is manufacturer defects. In general, higher quality products will have less of these but there are very few products where 10000 units have zero problems. It can happen. Maintenance isn’t going to help fix those defects.

For both those reasons, it’s good to have a decent warranty.

Check here which treadmills come with the best warranty.


Since things can happen even with proper maintenance, having a machine with a good warranty is very useful.

The warranty can cover you if something does go wrong.

However, having a good warranty doesn’t mean you can forget any maintenance. Most treadmills will come with an owner’s manual that outlines exactly what you have to maintain. If something breaks and you didn’t maintain it as per the owner’s manual, that could void the warranty.

The quality of the warranty really depends on the brand and model. Check here which treadmills come with the best warranty.

Don’t try to fix it yourself

At some point, maintenance isn’t going to help anymore. If it’s broken it’s broken. Putting new oil in an engine that’s already blown isn’t going to help.

When a treadmill is broken, it’s advisable not to fix it yourself. Anything you do will void the warranty. The warranty will likely cover what is broken so you don’t have to get your hands dirty.

If the warranty has already run out you could give it a try. However, keep in mind that many things under the hood of a treadmill have an electric current running through them. So at the very least, unplug the machine and make sure that you haven’t created something really dangerous.

However, even outside of warranty, I can’t recommend trying to fix it yourself. I’m sure there are some people out there that can do it. However, most people probably shouldn’t if they want to have a good working treadmill.

Looking for a high-quality treadmill? Click here to find my favorite treadmill for a home gym and why.

Related questions

How long should a treadmill last?

How long a treadmill lasts really depends on the quality. Even a cheap treadmill should last about 10 years with higher-quality treadmills lasting longer. To make sure your machine keeps working as long as possible, maintain it and keep it clean.

Can you put a treadmill on carpet?

You can but it will damage the carpet over time. It also causes more dust to build up on the treadmill.  It’s better to use a mat under the treadmill to protect your flooring and keep dust away. Having a mat under your treadmill will also make the machine quieter since fewer vibrations are transmitted.

How long does a treadmill belt last?

Without proper maintenance, a treadmill belt can deteriorate very quickly. However, with proper maintenance, a treadmill belt should last anywhere from 2-5 years with regular use. Higher-quality treadmills usually come with belts that last longer.


Hey, I'm Matt. Welcome to HomeGymResource.com. After working out in many different gyms for almost 20 years and helping people build their own home gyms, i've learned a few things i'd like to share with you.

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