How Tall Is A Squat Stand? Fixed vs. Adjustable

Squat stands are the smaller brother of the full power rack. But how tall are they, which height do you need and what are the differences between fixed and adjustable squat stands regarding height? That’s what we’ll dive into in this article.

On average, squat racks are 79” (200 cm) tall. There is a big difference between fixed and adjustable stands. Fixed stands are on average 87″ tall while adjustable ones average only 64″. For proper use, a squat stand should at least be as tall as your shoulder height.

Below you can find the lists of squat stands where we got these numbers from. You’ll also find a comparison between fixed and adjustable stands, especially regarding height.

Squat Stand Heights

Note: This post is about Squat stands. If you’re looking for power rack/Squat cage heights, click here.

We’re talking about the one on the right.

Squat stands are available in a diverse range of heights, offering plenty of options to suit various preferences and needs. A quick glance at the chart below illustrates the extensive variety of squat stand heights.

BrandModelTypeHeight (Max)Load limit
TitanX-3 ShortFixed721000+
TitanT-3 V2Fixed92.51000+
TitanX-3 Fixed921000+
RogueES1 2.0Fixed70.375500+
RogueS2 2.0Fixed921000+
CAPSquat standFixed85500
HulkfitSquat standFixed81500
HulkfitPro +Fixed851000
Doeplex2020 multiAdjustable70.1550
OllierooBarbell standAdjustable64.2550
UBOWAYSquat standAdjustable55.1550
VansweSquat standAdjustable63550
MeraxSquat standAdjustable67.5550

On average, squat stands tend to measure slightly over 79 inches in height. However, relying solely on averages can be deceiving, as squat stands span a considerable height spectrum. You can find stands as tall as 111 inches or as short as 55.1 inches.

There are actually two different types of squat stand. One has fixed length uprights while the other type is adjustable. Let’s take a closer look at both types.

Fixed vs. Adjustable Height Squat Stands

When it comes to squat stands, they can generally be categorized into two main types:

1. Fixed Height Squat Stands:

  • Fixed stands feature two upright posts set at a fixed height. These posts are essentially a single piece, which adds extra sturdiness to the structure. To adjust the height of the barbell, you’ll move the hooks on these posts.
  • Usually, the fixed-height stands are braced together at the bottom.
  • Fixed versions sometimes have a pull-up bar or the option to add one.
  • These stands have J-cups to adjust the height the barbell is held at.

Fixed doesn’t mean you can’t adjust the height of the barbell. Instead of adjusting the height of the barbell by changing the height of the uprights, you change the height the J-cups are mounted at. So you can still adjust the height of the barbell to your needs.

Fixed-height squat stands are generally sturdier because the uprights are made from a single piece of metal. They feel more solid when placing a heavy bar on them and this is reflected in the much higher weight limits this type often has.

Adjustable Barbell Stand Pros

  • Compact Storage: Adjustable stands with collapsible posts can be more compactly stored when not in use, saving space in your gym area.
  • Price: These stands are generally quite cheap.

Adjustable Barbell Stand Cons

  • Potentially Less Sturdy: The sliding mechanism in adjustable stands may introduce some wobbling or less rigidity compared to fixed stands.
  • No Pull-Up Bar: Adjustable stands often lack a pull-up bar since the barbell rests on top, limiting your options for pull-up exercises.

2. Adjustable Height Squat Stands:

  • Adjustable stands, on the other hand, boast upright posts that can be altered in height. The upper section of the post has a smaller diameter than the lower part, allowing them to slide into each other. Both parts have holes to secure them in place using a pin.
  • In adjustable stands, the barbell hooks are positioned on top of the posts. Additionally, they come with hooks that can be attached to the posts, similar to the fixed version. However, these hooks can be mounted much lower, making them more suitable for bench pressing.
  • One trade-off with the adjustable version is that it lacks a pull-up bar since the barbell rests on top of the stand.

Adjustable squat stands are usually more compact but a bit less sturdy. They feel wobbly when placing a heavy weight on them. The trade-off for that is that they’re smaller and cheaper.

Fixed Height Squat Stand Pros

  • Sturdiness: Fixed stands typically have a more solid and rigid structure due to their one-piece upright posts. This translates into a higher load limit.
  • Simplicity: They are straightforward to use with height adjustment accomplished by moving hooks.
  • Pull-Up Bar: Many fixed stands come with or offer an optional pull-up bar, adding versatility to your workouts.

Fixed Height Squat Stand Cons

  • Size: They’re taller and since they’re usually braced at the bottom, they take up more space than adjustable ones.
  • Less compact Storage: Fixed height stands can’t be made smaller for storage.
  • Price: Fixed-height squat stands tend to be more expensive than adjustable ones.

Now, let’s break down the heights for each of these two types and see how they stack up:

Fixed squat stand heights

BrandModelHeight (Max)Load limit
TitanX-3 Short721000+
TitanT-3 V292.51000+
TitanX-3 921000+
RogueES1 2.070.375500+
RogueS2 2.0921000+
CAPSquat stand85500
HulkfitSquat stand81500
HulkfitPro +851000

As you can see, the average height for fixed squat stands is almost 87″. That’s a lot taller than even the maximum height of adjustable stands. So if you’re looking for something tall, fixed is the way to go.

There is still a lot of variation between models with heights ranging from 72″ to 110″.

Adjustable squat stand heights

BrandModelHeight (min)Height (Max)Load limit
Doeplex2020 multi46.870.1550
OllierooBarbell stand40.664.2550
UBOWAYSquat stand36.255.1550
VansweSquat stand4363550
MeraxSquat stand43.567.5550

The average height for adjustable stands is 64”. That average for the adjustable stands isn’t at the lowest setting either, it’s the highest. On the lowest setting, adjustable stands are only 41.6” tall.

That means that adjustable squat racks are a lot more compact and thus better for storage.

The adjustable stands range from 55.1” to 70.1”. 55” is an outlier since most of the racks are 63” or up.

How Tall Should Squat Stands Be?

Does the height of your squat rack actually matter? It does but with squat stands it’s a lot less important than with a power rack.

The most important factor is that the barbell should be held at the right height for you to get under it for squatting. That means the rack should be tall enough to hold the bar just below your shoulders. That way you can easily unrack and rerack it without bending too much.

In practice that means the stand should be at least your height minus 14″. If you’re 6′ tall, you need a barbell rack that can hold the barbell at about 58″ high.

Of course, the stands should also fit under your ceiling but if you can’t fit stands that are shorter than your own height, you’ve got bigger issues.

Suggested post: How tall should a home gym ceiling be?

Pull-up Bar

If you want a rack with a pull-up bar, things become a little different. In that case, the stands should be at least as tall as you are. That way you can do pull-ups with bent knees. To do proper pull-ups, you’ll need a rack that’s about 1.2X as tall as you are.

At the same time, you’ll need at least 12″ of headroom above the pull-up bar so you don’t hit your head on the ceiling.

Suggested post: 13 tips for working out under low ceilings

How To Choose The Right Squat Stands

Fixed vs Adjustable Squat Stands

When considering the right squat stands for your home gym, one of the first decisions you’ll encounter is whether to go with fixed or adjustable stands. Each type has its own advantages and limitations.

Type of squat standFixedVSAdjustable
Load Limit (pounds)500-1000+VS350-500
StabilityFeels solid under heavy loadsVSCan feel wobbly under heavy loads
FeaturesAdjustable J-cups, Pull-up bar, Spotter armsVSSmall spotter arms

Load Limit

Another crucial factor in your squat stand selection is the load limit, and this consideration varies between fixed and adjustable stands. Typically, adjustable stands are designed to handle loads of up to 500 lbs. or even less, while fixed stands boast higher load limits, often ranging from 500 lbs. to 1000 lbs. or more.

It’s important to note that you don’t necessarily need to fully utilize the maximum load limit for your squat stand, as this limit often indicates the point at which stability might become an issue.

To ensure safety, aim for a squat stand that can comfortably accommodate more weight than you intend to lift. Additionally, the brand reputation can influence how a stand performs near its load limit. A well-known brand with a 500 lbs. rating is likely to handle the weight more securely than an obscure, unnamed stand with the same rating.

Height Considerations

Pick a suitable height for you. We already covered this above.


While squat stands offer fewer features compared to full power racks, they still come with important attributes.

For many home gym enthusiasts, the inclusion of a pull-up bar is a key feature. It’s worth noting that pull-up bars are typically available on fixed squat stands, so if this feature is essential for your workouts, focus your attention on those models.

Spotter arms are another great feature to have. They can catch the barbell when you fail a lift. Longer spotter arms are better since they can catch the bar in more situations but these are usually reserved for the very sturdy fixed stands.

Braced or Not

Some squat stands come with additional bracing for added stability and strength. These braces reinforce the upright posts, enhancing the stand’s overall durability. Braced squat stands often offer the option to store weight plates on the stand, maximizing your space efficiency.

When choosing between braced and non-braced squat stands, consider your specific workout needs and available space in your home gym. Braced stands can offer enhanced stability but may require slightly more room, so weigh your priorities accordingly.


Can you use a short barbell in a squat rack?

Most squat stands are just as wide as power racks (at most 49”). That means some 6’ barbell will fit but not all. There are a few squat stands that are adjustable in width. These can be used with 6’ or even 5’ barbells.

Do you need a squat stand in a home gym?

If the home gym is intended to use free weights, it either needs a squat stand or power rack to allow the user to do all the basic free weight lifts. A squat rack will do this although a power rack is safer and stronger but is more expensive and takes up more space.


Hey, I'm Matt. Welcome to After working out in many different gyms for almost 20 years and helping people build their own home gyms, i've learned a few things i'd like to share with you.

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